Download Gangs of Sherwood
Download Gangs of Sherwood

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Martin Scorsese, one of my all-time favorite film directors, the man who brought us the amazing "Taxi Driver," the monumental "Goodfellas," the excellent "Casino," uses good, exciting camera techniques, with bright surroundings.but it feels like a reunion of "West Side Story." Everything is bright, dandy, happy, and things move from normal speed to super-speed, back to normal speed in a quick moment. Let me point out everything I didn't like. There are a lot of problems with "Gangs of NY." I didn't hate the movie, but it let me down. It quickly accelerates and ends with U2's award-winning song "The Hands That Built America," and the fancy-schmancy, slow-to-fast credits start rolling. For two and a half hours we are dragged through relentlessly gruelling scenes that pay no purpose to the film, and then the last ten minutes, the most vital point of the entire motion picture, the point where we are so hyped, pumped and ready for a big payoff, anything big, something big.fails. It starts up slow, it gets slower, and ends really fast, too fast. "Gangs of New York" goes a lot of places but it never really goes where it should.

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